Ending a dive

My profile


Frank Bossen


PADI Open Water Scuba Instructor

Dive count:


Underwater cameras:

Favorite subject:

Anything I haven't seen before.

Favorite diving area:

The triangle between Thailand, PNG, and Micronesia.

Fish ID resources:

I started diving in 1997 when I decided to get trained in the cold Swiss lakes in preparation for a trip to Australia which included a week on the Great Barrier Reef. Several hundred dives later I still get the excitement of seeing fish species I haven't seen before. Always a good photo opportunity!

Photos on this site are mostly by myself but also several by my dive buddies including Talib, Holly, Kathie, Malcolm, and Kristal. I have tried my best to correctly identify the originator for each photo but may have made a mistake or two given that someone likes to borrow other people's cameras...

The small print: I am no expert in marine-life identification. While I have tried my best to match pictures with names, I may have made a few errors here and there. Please let me know if you spot any.